February 2018
Well done: great rankings in The Legal 500 yet again

We are delighted to report that we have achieved various good positions in the ranking The Legal 500. Rankings were achieved in the following categories:
Non-profit sector: consulting
Tax law
Dispute resolution: arbitration (including international arbitration)
Dispute resolution: commercial conflicts
Dispute resolution: disputes in the financial services sector
Regional law firms: business law: metropolitan region of Munich
Further information on the awards and mentions in The Legal 500 for 2018 can be found here.
The Legal 500 is a leading guide to Germany's top law firms, providing a comprehensive overview of around 400 business law firms and 2,700 lawyers in Germany. The Legal 500 Germany offers detailed qualitative research and analysis of law firms and lawyers in almost 50 practice areas.
During research for The Legal 500, hundreds of interviews are conducted with lawyers, and approximately 14,000 clients are surveyed. This survey forms part of a detailed analysis, which enables a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of the strengths and abilities of the relevant law firms.