Our References


Our firm is regularly placed in the relevant market rankings. In specific, we are listed by JUVE, Legal 500, Chambers, Handelsblatt, Best Lawyers and Who’s Who Legal. For further information please find below the respective dropdown texts. See for yourself.


Company Succession and Trusts

Comment: *

This recognised multidisciplinary (MDP) law firm advises medium-sized companies and their shareholders, particularly those based in Bavaria, on corporate and succession planning. Some of the assets under its purview are in the order of hundreds of millions of euros. It also acts as an outsourced legal and tax department for several medium-sized companies. Moreover, the longstanding non-profit consulting services have recently grown in importance because the demand for foundations as an instrument for succession remains high, both in the law firm and in the market as a whole. The same applies to conflict resolution consulting, which the firm offers on top of succession matters: both in-court and, in many cases, out-of-court inheritance disputes are increasingly becoming more important.       

Often recommended: Dr Thomas Kantenwein ("strong in business-related proceedings", competitors; succession consulting, non-profit law), Dr Annett Kuhli-Spatschek ("clever, dynamic, analytical, flexible and assertive", competitors; arbitration proceedings, non-profit law, tax law), Dr Stefan Hackel ("prudent, collegial, competent", competitors; corporate law, conflict resolution)



Comment: ***

Widely recognized in Bavaria, this multidisciplinary law firm advises medium-sized companies and their shareholders from Bavaria on various topics, but especially those in the context of corporate and asset succession planning. Some of the assets under its purview are in the order of hundreds of millions of euros. It also advises numerous foundations and acts as an outsourced legal and tax department for several medium-sized companies. Since the firm is known even outside of Bavaria for its competence in criminal tax law, banks have been turning to Kantenwein in recent years for advising on potential liability arising from cum-ex, but above all cum-cum transactions. In late summer 2023, it was announced that three conflict resolution partners, including the highly respected Kröck and Sabel, were founding their own law firm in November – an unexpected shake-up for the firm.      

Often recommended: Dr Thomas Kantenwein ("strong in business-related proceedings", competitors; succession consulting, non-profit law), Dr Rainer Spatscheck ("consistently highly competent, brilliant negotiator", competitors), Dr Annett Kuhli-Spatschek "clever, dynamic, analytical, flexible and assertive", competitors; arbitration proceedings, non-profit law, tax law), Dr Gerhard Widmayer (tax law), Marcus van Bevern (banking and capital markets law), Dr Stefan Hackel ("prudent, collegial, competent", competitors; corporate law)


Dispute Resolution

Comment: ** Litigation *** Arbitration

 This Munich litigation practice specialises in tax and financial disputes. Several of its partners are also tax advisors or auditors, and the firm is heavily involved in the investigation into the cum-ex scandal. The lawyers have a deep understanding of complex tax and accounting problems and, unlike many competitors, are not barred on the basis of excessive conflicts of interest. In addition, the practice is increasingly working on protecting civil law recourse in connection with cum-cum since the tax authorities have also been attacking these deals. However, the fact that a younger partner, in addition to the highly recognised arbitration lawyer Kuhli-Spatscheck, was recently able to win major D&O work from an energy supplier shows that the law firm continues to be one of the heavyweights in the market.      

Often recommended: Dr Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck ("clever, dynamic, analytical, flexible and assertive", competitors), Marcus van Bevern ("competent and efficient", competitors)


Tax criminal law

 Comment: *****

The Munich-based firm is one of the market leaders in criminal tax law. The basis for their good reputation is the named partner Spatscheck, who is one of the most respected minds in his profession, not least because he simultaneously handles tax disputes and criminal tax law matters. The tougher approach of the authorities to tax audits is reflected here, as with many competitors, with the result that clients regularly find their way to this practice. These include tax consultants and lawyers as well as Munich-based private equity companies. In addition to numerous cum-ex and cum-cum clients, internal investigations, which the team supports alongside major law firms, have recently become more important. The same applies to due diligence for private equity firms scrutinising their targets for tax risks.    

Often recommended: Dr Rainer Spatscheck

Company Succession and Trusts

Comment: *

The Munich-based multidisciplinary law firm's succession practice, which has long focused on tax issues, has expanded considerably over the past three years. Clients are increasingly placing their trust in Kantenwein for classic inheritance law issues and in particular inheritance law disputes, including in an international context. In addition, the law firm has begun to address the topic of charitable investments. At the same time, tax consulting, tax law and criminal tax law are becoming increasingly important, as questions of exit and immigration taxation and related issues, such as foreign currency gains, are also becoming more relevant in general. This is pushing the still small team to its limits.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck, Dr. Stefan Hackel


Comment: **

With its combined focus on tax and conflict resolution, the multidisciplinary law firm plays a special role among the well-connected, broadly positioned medium -sized Munich law firms. The firm's success is demonstrated by its growth in personnel: since the mid-2010s, the number of professionals has almost doubled, and today there are 8 lawyers in criminal tax law alone. On the other hand, the partners are involved in a large number of highly complex, in part very high-profile cases, such as the Cum-Ex case. With Kuhli-Spatscheck, the firm also has a respected arbitrator in its ranks. In addition, there are always extensive litigation proceedings in the banking and insurance sector. Competitors who focus solely on the litigation side of Kantenwein's business sometimes overlook how active the law firm is when it comes to providing ongoing advice, both to companies and wealthy families and high net worth private individuals, often with a focus on issues relating to foundation law.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (succession advice, non-profit law), Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, Dr. Alexander Kröck, Dr. Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck (arbitration, non-profit law, tax law), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer (tax law), Marcus van Bevern (banking and capital markets law), Dr. Stefan Hackel

Tax Criminal Law

Comment: *****

The Munich unit is meanwhile one of the market leaders, thanks in large part to its highly respected partner Spatscheck, who is at the heart of the criminal law practice and also covers tax litigation issues. The representation of the ex-supervisory board chairman of Wirecard is publicly known, as well as the representation of a gold trading company in tax and customs offences. The latter is also an example of the fact that customs offences have recently become more important. Cum-Cum and Cum-Ex cases can be found at KZSP as well as insolvency offences. In this respect, it is not surprising that Spatscheck's door is increasingly being knocked on by private equity firms as well as tax advisers, auditors and lawyers, who have been targeted by the Munich tax investigation bureau for some time.

Often recommended: Dr. Rainer Spatscheck (“smart, dynamic, analytical, flexible and assertive”, “one of the best ever”, “dogmatic, highly competent, pleasant, brilliant negotiator”, competitors).

Dispute Resolution

Comment: ** Litigation *** Arbitration

The Munich litigation practice is a sought-after law firm, especially in the field of tax-related disputes. Several partners are also tax advisers or auditors, and the law firm also has one of the most renowned criminal tax lawyers in Dr. Rainer Spatscheck. The law firm is heavily involved in the civil law handling of the Cum-Ex scandal. The lawyers have a deep understanding of complex tax and accounting issues and, unlike many of their competitors, are not blocked because of too many conflicts. In light of recent developments, the firm has recently been able to bring its energy law know-how to bear more strongly in price adjustment disputes. In addition to Kröck, Kuhli-Spatscheck is increasingly establishing herself as an arbitrator for large-volume cases, especially in post-M&A proceedings involving accounting issues.

Often recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“very good analyst, in-depth knowledge of the facts, outstanding expertise”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck (“swift and clear conduct of proceedings as an arbitrator”, competitor), Marcus van Bevern (“pragmatic and experienced”, competitor)

Please click here to view our JUVE law firm dossier for the years 2021/2022.

Dispute Resolution

Comment: ** Litigation *** Arbitration/Mediation

This Munich litigation practice is called on when it comes to dealing with the fallout of the dividend-stripping scandal under civil law, as its lawyers have an in-depth understanding of complex tax and accounting problems and are not obstructed by too many conflicts of interest. A number of the partners are also tax advisors and accountants, and the firm boasts one of the most highly renowned tax criminal lawyers in the shape of Dr. Rainer Spatscheck. Alongside Kröck, Kuhli-Spatscheck’s star as an arbitrator is rising. She has now advanced into major international cases with hundreds of millions of euros in dispute. The fields of dividend stripping and shareholder disputes with an accounting background offer the potential for other lawyers to carve out a position in the market.

Often recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“outstanding litigator”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck (“clever, flexible, assertive”, competitor), Marcus van Bevern

Company Succession and Trusts

Comment: * This MDP firmly rooted in Munich is known even beyond the local region as a good place to go for company succession and trusts advice. Shareholders of Mittelstand companies rely on the practice for inheritance and succession issues, with international tax aspects often playing a role. Former name partner and now of counsel Kantenwein also acts as a board member for trusts. The partners’ good contacts, especially in the regional Mittelstand, and their strong name in succession advice are leading to more major, complex instructions, as extensive succession planning work for a range of high-net-worth individuals demonstrates.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (“especially strong in business-heavy proceedings”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck, Dr. Stefan Hackel (“my first recommendation for D&O and managerial liability and when I have a conflict of interest”, competitor)

Tax Criminal Law

Comment: **** This Munich practice is seen as a challenger to the market leaders, chiefly because of partner Spatscheck, who heads the criminal law practice and is equally prominent on the interface with tax litigation. He was recently visible in the Wiesbaden dividend-stripping proceedings, where KZSP litigated for an HVB employee. The firm is also working for a whole host of other clients in this field. The practice is active in a multitude of sectors, besides finance. One advantage is that KZSP is often brought on board early on – frequently for tax investigations – and can then subsequently cover tax litigation and tax criminal law. Although preventive advice plays a secondary role, it is still an important mainstay of the practice.

Often recommended: Dr. Rainer Spatscheck (“highly competent, outstanding on the interface between tax law and tax criminal law”, “target-oriented, preeminent expertise”, competitors)

Region: South - Munich

Comment: ** This Munich MDP is extremely well regarded in tax law, which spills over into many other fields of advice. Kuhli-Spatscheck, for example, is highly sought after as an arbitrator because of her tax law expertise. Spatscheck litigates in many tax criminal law cases involving dividend-stripping and “cum-cum” deals. Another growing area of advice related to tax is inheritance law and succession. The firm is also active in banking and capital markets and increasingly in corporate, which a young partner is building up, especially in the field of shareholder disputes. He litigated for a south German energy corporation in a dispute with another energy corporation over a joint venture. The common link between all practices is the outstanding dispute resolution skill of the individual partners, for which they are known well beyond the local region.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (succession advice, charity law), Dr. Rainer Spatscheck (“highly competent, outstanding on the interface between tax law and (tax) criminal law”, “target oriented, preeminent expertise”, competitors), Dr. Alexander Kröck (“outstanding litigator”, “excellent fellow lawyer, extremely pleasant to work with, especially in courts of arbitration”, competitors), Dr. Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck (arbitration, charity law, tax law), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer (tax law), Marcus van Bevern (“very, very good”, “pragmatic and experienced”, competitors; banking and capital markets law), Dr. Stefan Hackel (“my preferred choice when I have a conflict of interest in managerial and D&O representation”, “constructive”, competitors)


Evaluation: ***** The MDP law firm is firmly rooted in Munich and is among the top addresses in Bavaria. There are several reasons for this: all partners enjoy optimal links with a host of successful mid-sized companies, which regularly provide the law firm with demanding transaction and restructuring mandates – increasingly from right across Germany. The partners behind these companies frequently employ the law firm’s renowned succession practice to handle matters relating to inheritance and succession. Several HNIs and UHNIs also feature among the long-term clients. Synergies arise with the criminal tax law practice, which is recognised throughout Germany, as well as in the event of tax-dispute-related matters, an area in which Kantenwein is credited with greater expertise than many regional competitors. Internal cooperation with the company’s recognised lawyers also ensures that the MDP law firm has a secure position among the Bavarian tax consulting companies with the most impressive full-service offerings. For instance, the law firm recently supported a listed US company with the acquisition of a German corporate group, took on tax due diligence and tax structuring, and provided advice on tax regulations relating to the purchasing contract.

Focus: restructuring, transaction taxes, tax disputes, criminal tax law, turnover taxes, wealthy private clients

Key clients: medium-sized firms/family businesses, large German corporations, wealthy private individuals

Often recommended: Dr Thomas Kantenwein, Dr Rainer Spatscheck, Dr Gerhard Widmayer

Criminal tax law

Evaluation: **** The Munich-based entity is among those pursuing the leading position in the market, particularly through Dr Rainer Spatscheck, who is recognised in the market and has made a major contribution to bringing the practice group onto the public radar since joining them three years ago. This is evidenced through a host of mandates that are currently determining market perceptions. Primary among these are the Wiesbaden cum-ex proceedings, in which KZSP is representing one of the central accused parties in the shape of HVB. Alongside the cum-ex proceedings, which are occupying the team to a considerable extent, are similar cases such as cum-cum and ex-ex. Proceedings originating from government audits remain a fixed element. In this field, the law firm benefits from the fact that in Spatscheck it also has a partner who acts in tax disputes simultaneously. The law firm has also proven that its growth intentions are to be taken seriously through the internal awarding of the partner title, which strengthens the practice group within the overall structure of the law firm.

Focus: individual defence, corporate defence, advice on preventing tax crime, internal investigation

Key clients: german corporations, medium-sized firms/family businesses, banks, wealthy private individuals, executives

Often recommended: Dr Rainer Spatscheck (“absolute focus on criminal tax compliance”, “one of the best”, “dogmatically hugely competent, pleasant, brilliant negotiator” – competitors)

Tax disputes

Evaluation: ** The traditional law firm from Munich is also a recognised address throughout Germany when it comes to tax disputes. This is due, on the one hand and in particular, to the presence of Dr Rainer Spatscheck, a renowned figure in the market and one of the leading minds in the field of criminal tax law, who also works on behalf of some prestigious clients in tax proceedings. On the other hand, in Sven Ceranowski the law firm has an experienced litigator in its ranks, who regularly impresses for industrial companies and banks in particular in front of fiscal courts and the Federal Fiscal Court. In addition, the law firm recently acted for a whole host of wealthy private individuals in dispute proceedings and is much called on for advice in relation to inheritance and succession topics, with a good network with respect to successful medium-sized companies especially.

Focus: company audits and opposition proceedings, proceedings before fiscal courts

Key clients: german corporations, medium-sized firms/family businesses, banks, wealthy private individuals, executives

Often recommended: Sven Ceranowski, Dr. Rainer Spatscheck

Wealthy private clients

Evaluation: * The MDP law firm is firmly rooted in Munich and is considered a good point of contact even beyond the region by wealthy private clients seeking advice. The partners of successful medium-sized companies in particular rely on the practice’s expertise for inheritance and succession topics, with subjects relating to international tax law also arising time and again. The practice’s mandates often arise as a result of the Kantenwein partners’ good contact with major medium-sized companies, which regularly call on the law firm with respect to transactions and restructuring.

Focus: inheritance tax planning, corporate succession, FO structuring, taxation of art assets, foundation law, non-profit status, tax reporting

Key clients: medium-sized firms/family companies, HNI, foundations.

Often recommended: Dr Thomas Kantenwein, Dr Annett Kuhli

Please click here to view our JUVE law firm dossier for the years 2020/2021.

Dispute Resolution

Comment: ** Litigation *** Arbitration/Mediation

This litigation practice is benefitting hugely from the fact that civil law work on the dividend-stripping scandal is picking up speed – because it can offer financial sector clients something that many urgently need at the moment: lawyers with a deep understanding of complex tax and accounting problems who are not bound by too many conflicts of interest. Several partners are tax advisors or accountants as well, and on top of this the firm boasts one of the most renowned tax criminal lawyers in the shape of Dr. Rainer Spatscheck. New partner Dr. Stefan Hackel, who has already made a positive impression on competitors, is a tax advisor and closes a gap in corporate disputes, which often call for accounting expertise as well. His appointment shows how the firm is strategically gearing up for the future, even away from dividend stripping and arbitration, for which Kröck and Kuhli are particularly well respected.

Often recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“good analyst, in-depth knowledge of the facts of the case”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“dynamic and analytical”, competitor), Marcus van Bevern

Company Succession and Trusts

Comment: * In southern Germany, this Munich MDP is one of the well-known names for advice on company succession and trusts. The partners nurture excellent, long-standing contacts among Mittelstand companies and generally provide these with all-round advice on transactions and restructuring. This often gives rise to issues for the shareholders behind the companies. By appointing Stefan Hackel, who specialises in inheritance and corporate litigation, to equity partner, the traditionally tax-focused company succession practice broadened its expertise. HNWI also benefit from the respected tax criminal lawyers when needed.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Annett Kuhli

Tax Criminal Law

Comment: **** Two years after welcoming the highly regarded Spatscheck, this firm is among the extended group of market leaders in tax criminal law, not only in Munich. This is evidenced by the work for HVB, who relies on the practice as one of the central players in the Wiesbaden dividend-stripping proceedings. The team is also involved in the Goldfinger proceedings. As Spatscheck acts as the central head of the practice on the interface with tax disputes, both practices – like at CKSS – are closely interwoven and frequently work together in tax investigations. The firm is also active in a preventive capacity in setting up tax compliance systems. The appointment of a lawyer to salary partner shows how the firm hopes to continue banking on the criminal law practice in the future. But there is still some way to go until the young lawyers reach the level of name recognition of the practice head.

Often recommended: Dr. Rainer Spatscheck (“absolute focus on criminal tax compliance”, “one of the best”,“assertive, highly competent, pleasant, splendid negotiator”, competitors)

Region: South - Munich

Comment: ** This Munich MDP enjoys an excellent reputation in the region for its dispute resolution expertise. While arbitration has long been a part of the firm’s bread and butter work, it has also succeeded in positioning itself among banks for the extremely hot topic of dividend stripping. In tax criminal law, the firm has been involved in this field for some time now, largely because the practice is among the leading names in the market. The firm is also active for its chiefly Mittelstand client base in restructuring and transactions, even far beyond the Bavarian borders. The fact that the firm highly regarded in tax law has now appointed an enterprising young corporate lawyer to partner underlines how traditional corporate issues are also growing in importance.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Rainer Spatscheck (“splendid negotiator”, competitor), Dr. Alexander Kröck (“very good analyst, in-depth knowledge of the facts of the case”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“flexible and assertive”, competitor), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer


Evaluation: **** The Munich-based law firm is one of the most respected addresses in the region. This is above all due to the fact that both the senior as well as junior partners maintain very good contacts, in part over many years, with a whole range of leading medium-sized companies and usually provide them with extensive support in transactions and restructuring – not only in the region, but to an increasing extent throughout Germany. These existing mandates repeatedly bring up issues for the partners behind these companies. Consequently, Kantenwein has a steady stream of mandates at the interface of topics involving succession and inheritance tax. On top of this, there are a whole series of HNI and UHNI who have for long relied on the firm's services. But the partnership also regularly succeeds in attracting new mandates. Examples of this are advice on group taxation for a trading company that the firm had previously supported for the first time in a transaction as well as a newly won energy company that our advisers had recently accompanied in the optimisation of its tax structure. The fact that the firm also boasts one of the most renowned criminal tax law practices in Germany, which constantly works side-by-side with the other partners, rounds off the picture.

Focus: Restructuring, corporate tax lawsuits, transaction taxes, criminal tax law, turnover taxes, wealthy private clients

Key clients: medium-sized firms/family businesses, large German corporations, wealthy private individuals

Often recommended: Dr Thomas Kantenwein, Dr Rainer Spatscheck, Dr Gerhard Widmayer

Criminal tax code and tax disputes


Two years after recruiting the prominent expert Dr Rainer Spatscheck, the firm is part of the expanded market leadership in the field of criminal tax law and tax disputes. It is among the especially well-established players in the Munich region, above all. Currently, the focus is mainly on Cum-Ex proceedings. Here HVB, one of the central parties in the Wiesbaden case, is relying on Kantenwein. The team is also involved in another large complex, the 'Goldfinger' tax evasion proceedings. Moreover, since Spatscheck operates at the interface to tax disputes, both practices are closely interwoven. They frequently cooperate as part of company audits and during extensive corrections of tax declarations, especially for family-run companies that encounter tax law problems as part of acquisitions. The practice has a broadly-based client portfolio here with companies of all sizes.

Focus: Criminal tax law: Individual defence, corporate defence, advice on preventing tax crime, internal investigation; tax disputes: company audits, proceedings before fiscal courts

Key clients: German corporations, medium-sized firms/family businesses, banks, wealthy private individuals, executives

Often recommended: Dr Rainer Spatscheck ("very easy to get along with", "excellent advisor", "well-established", "well-founded knowledge", all competitors), Sven Ceranowski, Dr Gerhard Widmayer ("very capable and committed advisor", client about all)

Wealthy private clients

Evaluation: * The long-established Munich law firm MDP is a well-known address for advising wealthy private clients in South Germany. This is above all due to the fact that both the senior as well as junior partners maintain very good contacts, in part over many years, with a whole range of leading medium-sized companies and usually provide them with extensive support in transactions and restructuring. This repeatedly brings up issues for the partners behind these companies. Furthermore, HNIs benefit from recognised tax criminal law experts where necessary.

Focus: Inheritance tax planning, corporate succession, FO structuring, taxation of art assets, foundation law, non-profit status, tax reporting

Key clients: Medium-sized firms/family companies, HNI, foundations

Often recommended: Dr Thomas Kantenwein, Dr Annett Kuhli


Dispute Resolution

The firm specializes in disputes with an accounting background, with several lawyers also qualified as tax advisors or accountants. Younger partner Kuhli in particular now ranks among the top arbitrators in post-M&A proceedings thanks to this profile, alongside colleagues such as the well-established Kröck. The two often work together in litigation in structions, while van Bevern is primarily active in banking law disputes before the state courts. Kantenwein, who usually takes the lead on litigation arising from the firm‘s all-round advice to companies, has switched to an “of counsel” status for age-related reasons. The next generation is, however, ready and raring to go; a salary partner and tax advisor specialized in shareholder disputes has already caught the attention of competitors. The dividend stripping complex, in which many are expecting to see a wave of civil law disputes among financial services providers, is the perfect fit for the firm: not only does it boast tax and banking expertise but, unlike many large firms, no conflicts of interest stand in the way of its involvement in complaints brought against banks. The tax criminal specialist that Kantenwein brought on board last year holds a great deal of potential here.

Often recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“strategist with a great deal of empathy”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“clever, flexible, assertive”, competitor), Marcus van Bevern (“strong work, good prices”, client).


The Munich firm is a recognized address, esp. in southern Germany, when it comes to advising high-net-worth individuals. This is thanks not least to the reputation of namesake Kantenwein, who withdrew from the partnership at the start of the year but will continue to act in an “of counsel” capacity for the time-being. With this in mind, the firm has long since counted on a number of younger partners, who provide ongoing tax and succession advice to various HNIs. Corporate succession advice has grown to become a strong part of the practice, allowing the traditionally tax-centric firm to provide even more comprehensive advice to its clients than in the past. This is largely thanks to a young salary partner. Instructions in trust law continue to form a further pillar, where Kuhli is increasingly visible in the market. Initial points of contact are also emerging with the tax criminal practice, for example in the collaborative work on complicated voluntary disclosures of false or incomplete tax liabilities.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (“particularly impressive in proceedings with a strong business administration focus”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“excellent advisor”, “flexible and assertive”, competitor).

Criminal Tax Law

This Munich-based MDP has counted among the crème de la crème of tax criminal law since Spatscheck joined the firm in early 2018. Acting as defense lawyer in the Goldfinger case and the Wiesbaden dividend stripping („cum-ex“) proceedings, he has found his place in prominent proceedings. Beyond this, the tax criminal lawyers have managed to garner new contacts within the firm and are being called upon more often by their colleagues in a preventive capacity – esp. in the case of complicated voluntary disclosures of false or incomplete tax liabilities.

Often recommended: Dr. Rainer Spatscheck (“an institution himself in tax criminal law”, “excellent advisor”, competitor).

South - Munich Region

This MDP is regarded as a litigation specialist far beyond the confines of Munich, hence it often appearing in high-volume proceedings. These include international arbitration proceedings – where the firm acts as both legal representative and arbitrator – and tax criminal proceedings. New name partner Spatscheck, who joined Kantenwein the previous year, is renowned for the latter. Competitors praise his arrival as a “fitting addition to the office”. Indeed, his experience really does hold plenty of potential for interdisciplinary collaboration. Besides this, a salary partner is further expanding the firm’s corporate portfolio, which also benefits the other specialist areas. The fact that name partner Kantenwein, known first and foremost for his advice on succession and trust matters, assumed an “of counsel” status means the completion of a well-prepared process is in sight: despite still managing several instructions, he has long since passed the baton for other clients to the younger generation of partners.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, Dr. Alexander Kröck, Dr. Annett Kuhli, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer (“highly competent and driven”, client).


Rating: The law firm has been one of the most important players in Munich for years. This is mainly thanks to the reputation of the partner Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, who withdrew from the partnership at the turn of the year but will initially continue to act as of counsel. However, it is not only because of him that the firm enjoys an outstanding reputation when it comes to advising wealthy private clients. A team of younger partners has established itself, mainly in group tax law, some of whom advise very large and well-known companies on complex restructuring measures, transactions and proceedings before tax courts. With the recruitment of Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, who is highly respected in the market and came from Streck Mack Schwedhelm almost a year ago, the firm is now not only one of the most sought-after law firms for criminal tax law, but has also significantly increased its nationwide prominence.

Focus: Restructuring, corporate tax lawsuits, transaction taxes, criminal tax law, income tax, VAT, private clients

What others say: “Spatscheck seems to have settled in well.”

Key clients: medium-sized firms/family businesses, large German corporations, wealthy private clients

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer

Criminal tax law

Rating: Only a year ago, the Munich-based multidisciplinary law firm, which is meanwhile a major player in criminal tax law, hardly played a role in this field. With the arrival of the well-known Dr. Rainer Spatscheck in the spring of 2018, this changed in one swoop, as he is one of the leading authorities in criminal tax law in Germany. As defence counsel in the Goldfinger suit and in the Wiesbaden cum-ex proceedings, which are currently garnering the greatest interest, Spatscheck remains represented in what are currently among the most prominent criminal tax law mandates, even after switching law firms. Moreover, the criminal tax lawyers have succeeded in networking themselves within the firm. Thus they are brought on board by their colleagues in an increasingly preventive capacity for some mandates - particularly those involving complex voluntary disclosures.

What others say: “Since joining Kantenwein, Spatscheck remains one of the most prominent criminal tax lawyers on the market.”

Focus: Individual defence, corporate defence, advice on preventing tax crime, internal investigation

Key clients: Major German corporations, medium-sized firms/family businesses, banks, private clients, executives

Often recommended: Dr. Rainer Spatscheck ("very good advisor", "the institution in criminal tax law", both competitors)

Wealthy Private Clients

Rating: The Munich-based law firm is a recognised authority when it comes to advising wealthy private individuals, especially in southern Germany. This is not least due to the reputation of the partner Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, who withdrew from the partnership at the turn of the year but will initially continue to act as of counsel. The firm has long had a number of younger partners in its ranks who continuously advise various HNIs on tax and inheritance law. In addition, a young salary partner now also supports the practice in company law, meaning that the traditionally tax-centred firm can advise its clients more comprehensively than before. Trust/Foundation law remains another pillar in the firm’s work. Annett Kuhli, who is becoming increasingly prominent in the market, stands out in particular. First points of contact also become apparent with the fairly young criminal tax law practice centred around the renowned Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, for example in collaborations on complex voluntary disclosures.

Focus: Inheritance tax planning, corporate succession, FO structuring, taxation of art assets, trust/foundation law, non-profit status, tax reporting

Key clients: Medium-Sized firms/family companies, HNI, foundation

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Annett Kuhli

Dispute Resolution

It is remarkable what large-scale cases the comparatively small team is able to handle. The law firm essentially owes these mandates, which are usually complex for a regional firm, to its specialised tax and accounting expertise. It is this distinguishing feature which sets it apart from its competitors, that causes its clients to seek its advice, for instance providing cross-border advice for an insurance group in various civil and tax disputes or advice on large energy law arbitration cases in the gas industry. The law firm recently even extended its competence by a criminal law specialist, criminal tax lawyer Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, who represents one of the defendants in the Munich cum-ex criminal proceedings among others. The multidisciplinary law firm is also often seen in professional liability cases and also acts as counsel for individuals in shareholder disputes. A particularly large mandate currently involves representing a wealthy private individual in a dispute over a telecommunications company. Kröck and Kuhli are also often sought after as arbitrators in DIS proceedings.

Often recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“extensive litigation experience, structured and thorough”, competitor), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (“especially effective in business-oriented proceedings”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli, Marcus van Bevern


Providing advice on succession and advising foundations has always been one of the mainstays of the Munich-based multidisciplinary law firm, which is predominantly active in southern Germany. The focus is now increasingly on younger partners such as Kuhli, who are developing the business and attracting new large assets that so far remained inaccessible to the law firm. Given the increasing internationalisation of families (and their assets), the experience that many partners have previously gained in major law firms is also beneficial. Although the recruitment of the renowned Streck Mack Schwedhelm partner Rainer Spatscheck does not have a bearing on its core private client consulting activities, it does strengthen the important interface to criminal tax law.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Annett Kuhli

Criminal Tax Law

The recruitment of Spatscheck, who joined Kantenwein with other tax experts in the spring, immediately made the Munich-based multidisciplinary law firm, which had previously not engaged in criminal tax law activities worth mentioning, a major player in this field. This is because the new partner, one of the most renowned authorities in this country, brought prominent mandates with him. He is one of the most sought-after consultants in both cum-ex and cum-cum cases, and he and his team are also involved in the Goldfinger suit. So, it’s not so much a question of whether the team will continue to play an important role in the market, but above all whether it will manage to gain mandates at the interfaces to other tax and corporate law work of the law firm, such as advice on preventing tax crime.

South - Munich Region

The multidisciplinary law firm enjoys an excellent reputation in the Munich market, especially as a litigation specialist. The partners, who are praised by competitors as “outstanding”, are regularly involved in large-scale proceedings that would also suit major law firms. In line with this development, the team was recently joined by a recognised criminal lawyer: The new partner Spatscheck is one of the best-known authorities in the field of criminal tax law and, for example, represents a defendant in the cum-ex proceedings. The new team member will expand the range of advisory services of the law firm, which combines corporate law know-how with tax and accounting law expertise. The partners also regularly apply their interface skills in complex arbitration proceedings, the energy sector being just one of the focuses. The fact that Kuhli is increasingly being appointed as an arbitrator underscores the pioneering role of the law firm in this sector. She also specialises in advising on wealth and succession issues, where her clients mainly include entrepreneurial families and foundations.

Often recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Alexander Kröck (“reliable and highly qualified”, “considerable litigation experience, structured and thorough”, “excellent analyst, deep understanding of the facts”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“smart, dynamic, analytical, flexible and assertive”, “outstanding”, competitor), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, Dr. Rainer Spatscheck

Please click here to view our JUVE law firm dossier for the years 2017/2018.

Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation and Liability

This recommended litigation and arbitration practice at the Munich-based firm stands out from the competition primarily due to its tax and accounting know-how. Kantenwein and van Bevern scored points recently with their expertise at the interface to auditing and legal advice when they represented a company founder in post-M&A arbitration proceedings following the sale of the company. The focus on energy disputes has grown considerably: the work for a German energy corporation on the efficacy of long-term power purchase agreements, which kept a team headed up by Kröck on its toes, shows once again that the firm’s clients also entrust it with extremely high-volume disputes. The fact that Kantenwein acts on a level with much larger outfits is also reflected in the associates it has once again managed to draw away from renowned major firms.

Recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“highly experienced in litigation; structured and thorough”, competitor), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (“esp. strong in business-heavy proceedings”, competitor), Marcus van Bevern (“experienced litigator”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“clever, energetic, analytical, flexible”, competitor).


This Munich MDP respected in tax boasts a loyal base of Mittelstand clients (incl. many family businesses) which it advises on an ongoing basis and in projects. When it comes to providing structuring advice to company groups, KZFK&P holds its own against much larger outfits. The team also made a name for itself in complex tax disputes, thanks to close ties to the company succession and trusts practice. This often plays a central role in new deal work and creates space for further specialties, e.g. advice on land transfer tax.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Franz Willibald, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer (“very well connected”, competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli.

Region South: Munich

This recommended Munich-based MDP firm is known in the market first and foremost for its litigation expertise. Here it combines corporate know-how with tax and accounting law skills, making it stand out from the competition in the litigation and arbitration scene. The firm was able to strengthen its focus on energy disputes, as reflected in advice to a German energy corporation concerning a lawsuit to determine the validity of two long-term power purchase agreements brought against power plant customers. This example also proves that clients entrust the firm with extremely high-volume disputes. Meanwhile, young partner Kuhli is being appointed as arbitrator more and more often. In the field of tax law, numerous clients once again relied on the team’s expertise in structuring matters, while the firm is also involved in the ever more significant topic of M&A insurance. It is also traditionally active in succession plans, esp. concerning trusts.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein (“particularly strong in business-heavy proceedings”, competitor), Dr. Alexander Kröck, Dr. Annett Kuhli, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, Franz Willibald.

Dispute Resolution

Thanks to its tax and business expertise, this respected firm for litigation and arbitration proceedings counts among the most renowned advisors in disputes with an accounting law background. For instance Kuhli, who is seen in the market as an aspiring arbitrator, also won her first instructions in this capacity due in part to her know-how in tax-driven restructuring. Following several departures, the firm recently managed to bolster its substructure through the addition of experienced associates from large firms. Moreover, a salary partner was appointed who is specialized in corporate litigation. The firm was active for the first time in the extensive legal enforcement of a significant title in Germany on behalf of a foreign client. Kröck, who also expanded his work in gas price arbitration proceedings, is primarily responsible for this instruction. Overall, the practice’s focus shifted towards arbitration proceedings, despite the firm having a respected banking litigation specialist among its ranks in van Bevern.

Recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“experienced, confident and extremely diligent as arbitrator”, “good analyst, immerses himself in the facts”, competitors), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Marcus van Bevern, Dr. Annett Kuhli (“dedicated litigator”, competitor).


Thanks to its tax and business expertise, this respected firm for litigation and arbitration proceedings counts among the most renowned advisors in disputes with an accounting law background. For instance Kuhli, who is seen in the market as an aspiring arbitrator, also won her first instructions in this capacity due in part to her know-how in tax-driven restructuring. Following several departures, the firm recently managed to bolster its substructure through the addition of experienced associates from large firms. Moreover, a salary partner was appointed who is specialized in corporate litigation. The firm was active for the first time in the extensive legal enforcement of a significant title in Germany on behalf of a foreign client. Kröck, who also expanded his work in gas price arbitration proceedings, is primarily responsible for this instruction. Overall, the practice’s focus shifted towards arbitration proceedings, despite the firm having a respected banking litigation specialist among its ranks in van Bevern.

Recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck (“experienced, confident and extremely diligent as arbitrator”, “good analyst, immerses himself in the facts”, competitors), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Marcus van Bevern, Dr. Annett Kuhli (“dedicated litigator”, competitor).

Tax Structuring and Litigation

This respected tax practice is growing at a similarly steady pace to the closely related company succession and trusts practice, a field that features heavily in tax structuring advice. Work for a well-known, high-net-worth family on the divestiture of assets following legal action shows the high regard in which the practice is held by notable clients. KZFK is branching into tax litigation.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Franz Willibald, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, Dr. Annett Kuhli (“excellent tax lawyer”, competitor).


This recommended Munich firm enjoys an outstanding reputation, esp. in the areas of tax and dispute resolution. Competitors praise the firmly established city outfit for its “magnificent expertise”, an appraisal which was recently reflected in some remarkable instructions. Kröck and Kuhli are praised time and again by clients for their good connections in the arbitration scene. They attracted an international gas corporation as a new client, which they are representing in arbitration proceedings, while another partner assisted Deutsche Pfandbriefbank in acquiring a portfolio of credits and derivatives from the Aareal Bank. Meanwhile the transaction tax expert that moved from Weil Gotshal the previous year has integrated into the firm well, as evidenced by his close collaboration with Widmayer – an extremely knowledgeable specialist when it comes to tax advice concerning company restructuring. With Kantenwein, the firm also boasts a well-known advisor on succession matters and shareholder disputes. KZFKP is now looking to broaden its currently rather focused range of advice: newly appointed salary partner Stefan Hackel is set to expand corporate advice.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Alexander Kröck (“great deal of litigation experience”, “structured and meticulous”, competitors), Dr. Annett Kuhli (“excellent collaboration and appreciation for the client”, client on both), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, Franz Willibald.


Please click here to view our JUVE law firm dossier for the years 2015/2016.

Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation and Liability

This firm is respected for litigation and arbitration and gained ground in Munich. The MDP specializes in cases with a tax or accounting background and landed a notable number of new clients via the lawyers' excellent network of executives. Kröck advised a DAX executive board on potential external and internal liability and resolved the dispute out of court. His arbitration work is shifting towards price adjustments in gas storage contracts, though the arbitration practice often displays antitrust expertise as well. A salary partner became a Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) lawyer last year, and two young partners have now left. Kuhli, who enjoys a growing amount of client praise, was appointed equity partner.

Recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck ("outstanding, vast experience", "well-structured way of working and diligent", competitors), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein ("excellent in proceedings with a strong business management element", competitor), Marcus van Bevern, Dr. Annett Kuhli ("good network in the arbitration scene", client).


This respected MDP in tax traditionally boasts expertise on the interface with company succession and trusts. The promotion of Dr. Annett Kuhli, who specializes in the latter, to the equity partnership bears witness to the firm's success. Corporate and transaction tax gained ground: Widmayer landed some major structuring and appraisal instructions, incl. the restructuring of a well-known commercial enterprise. KZFK also brought in its first distinguished transaction tax specialist, long-time Weil Gotshal lawyer Sven Ceranowski, while the experienced Willibald moved into counsel status. The practice made headway in the field of tax advisor liability.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Franz Willibald, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer ("extremely reliable and precise", competitor).

Region South: Munich

This firm comes recommended in Munich especially for its expertise in the fields of litigation and arbitration proceedings as well as tax. It recently managed to strengthen these specialties: an established transaction tax specialist moved from Weil Gotshal in the form of Sven Ceranowski, who also advises on refinancing and thus gives the MDP a broader portfolio at the interface to the growing finance advice. In litigation, on the other hand, Kuhli was appointed equity partner. An arbitration expert, she also specializes in advice on trusts, an area in which she was recently able to gain impressive new instructions. There is also a strong emphasis on company succession tied in with KZFK's tax expertise, where the firm recently increased its advice on the transfer of major industrial assets. In addition, Widmayer managed once more to gain complex structuring and appraisal instructions. This positive development, however, was not without its obstacles: two salary partners left the firm's dispute resolution practice for Oppenhoff & Rädler and Munich public utilities. KZFK responded by noticeably boosting its associate level.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein ("incredibly strong in litigation", competitor), Dr. Alexander Kröck ("outstanding litigator with great amount of experience despite his young years", competitor), Dr. Annett Kuhli ("well connected in the arbitration scene", client on both), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer ("extremely reliable and precise", competitor), Franz Willibald.

Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation and Liability

This small firm respected for litigation and arbitration receives a very positive response from competitors. The firm was hired for an increasing number of advisor liability claims and put its renowned tax practice to good use when it came to tax issues. The arbitration practice also flourished compared to last year: Kantenwein is active as a specialist for cases relating to tax and accounting law and Kröck acted as a litigator in high-stakes international proceedings. Young partners are gaining visibility, e.g. van Bevern, who brought his good contacts to FMSW into play. Dr. Gottfried Hammer is now a Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) lawyer, which is a loss for the-firm.

Recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck ("sharp-witted", competitor), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein ("very deliberate, solution-oriented", competitor), Marcus van Bevern ("excellent expertise", competitor).


This firm respected in tax has an excellent reputation for structuring work featuring complex tax elements for midsized/large Mittelstand companies, often family businesses. Here, the firm has an asset in its integrated advice on company succession — a booming field in view of the upcoming tightening in inheritance tax. Clients also include listed companies. Alongside the ex¬perienced Willibald, Widmayer is drawing attention. The firm is landing more and more work involving tax advisor liability, together with the litigators from the commercial litigation and liability practice.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Franz Willibald, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer.

Region South: Munich

This respected firm in Munich is extremely present in the areas of tax, commercial litigation and liability and company succession and trusts with a number of different advisors. Its knowledge in these areas is drawn upon far beyond the Munich region. KZFK&P was recently able to combine its expertise in tax and litigation to good effect, meaning the firm receives instructions more and more often in disputes concerning potentially negligent tax advice. The litigation and arbitration practices increased their market presence and are also extremely agile among banking and capital markets disputes. The appointment of Dr. Gottfried Hammer to a lawyer acting before the Federal Court of Justice shows the high level of expertise within the firm, yet it also meant the loss of an excellent member of the legal team.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Alexander Kröck ("highly competent", competitor on both), Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, Franz Willibald.

Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation and Liability

For its size, this respected firm for litigation and arbitration has astonishing clout. Kröck is increasingly registered in the market and represents the progress made in banking and capital markets disputes; the firm is positioning itself as the place to go for foreign banks with business in Germany. The firm also improved its track record in major arbitration proceedings with international elements; sums in the high tens of millions of euros are no exception. There was strong demand in disputes concerning D&O and professional liability.

Recommended: Dr. Alexander Kröck ("outstanding litigator", "vast experience", competitors), Dr. Thomas Kantenwein ("conscientious", competitor), Marcus van Bevern.


In the respected tax practice of this MDP, advice traditionally focusing on family businesses is increasingly complemented by a more transaction-based, international approach - the domain of Widmayer. This combination provides for a wider client spectrum, incl. young companies (e.g. from the IT sector) and international law firms seeking specialist tax support.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Franz Willibald, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer.

Region South: Munich

This Munich MDP is respected for its expe¬rience in tax and in- and out-of-court disputes. The firm teamed up with its first finance lawyer, the former Linklaters and Depfa lawyer Marcus van Bevern. He adds securities litigation to &tick's already strong litigation practice and could develop a standalone banking advisory practice in the long term.

Recommended: Dr. Thomas Kantenwein ("outstanding", competitor; lawyer, accountant, tax advisor), Dr. Alexander Kröck, Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, Franz Willibald.

Legal 500


Criminal tax law - TIER 1

Tax assistance with M&A and real estate transactions is one of the core competencies of Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner, while the team is also well versed in tax audits, company succession issues and tax disputes. The Munich-based Gerhard Widmayer possesses intersectional expertise in corporate law and heads the team which also includes Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck, who primarily represents entrepreneurial families and medium-sized companies in contentious proceedings.

Testimonials: „The firm has been supporting us for years, primarily in German M&A transactions. The quality of the results obtained is always excellent.“

„They are excellent service providers who quickly familiarize themselves with unusual issues and find practicable solutions that also stand up to scrutiny by the financial authorities.“

„Great consultant for medium-sized companies.“

„Very good consultants, hands-on and fast!“

Dispute resolution

Financial services: Litigation

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner's litigation expertise is primarily employed in disputes related to recourse claims in connection with cum-ex transactions, where the team acts for German and foreign banks, capital management companies and other financial services providers. Furthermore, the practice represents industrial companies in conflicts regarding KfW (The Reconstruction Loan Corporation) financing and is also well versed in insolvency-related issues. The team is led by Marcus van Bevern, who is active across both arbitration and litigation proceedings.

Testimonials: „Wide-ranging law firm. Sound advice and representation in contentious disputes. Competitive fees.“

Arbitration (including international arbitration)

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner's team regularly represents investors and industrial companies in commercial and post-M&A arbitration proceedings. The practice further impresses with its arbitration expertise in energy law disputes: these are primarily handled by Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck, who is frequently appointed as an arbitrator and additionally stands out for her tax expertise, Alexander Kröck, who is well versed in the automotive and finance sectors, and Nico Köppel, who also specializes in commercial arbitration proceedings.

Testimonials: „The firm has become a fixture on the Munich market and in the German arbitration scene.“

„Outstanding team – big enough for ‘critical mass’, small enough for efficiency and pragmatism.“

„The smooth cooperation within the team is outstanding; real teamwork is lived and practiced here.“

Commercial Litigation

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner's dispute resolution expertise is primarily sought after by companies in the energy, finance and automotive industries, while shareholders and board members call on the team in shareholder and insolvency-related disputes; the practice also deals with post-M&A, price adjustment and contractual conflicts. The team is headed by Alexander Kröck, who is experienced in both judicial and extrajudicial proceedings, and also includes Stefan Hackel, who is experienced in commercial and corporate conflicts, and Carolin Sabel who acts in corporate, insolvency and financial disputes.

Testimonials: „Well established team covering all areas of commercial litigation.“

„The team works extremely accurately and precisely in a very short time frame. This in German or another European language. This approach enables the in-house colleagues to get excellent results on legal issues, litigation strategy and further action very quickly, on which the further process can be built. In addition, this creates legal certainty.“

„The individual cogs of the team mesh smoothly, so that you feel in good hands at all times. This also applies to the availability of additional technical resources if they are needed to solve a higher-level problem properly and quickly.“

Private clients and nonprofits

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner focuses on the interface between succession planning, tax and corporate law. The team advises wealthy private individuals on succession and inheritance issues, the establishment and structuring of tax-efficient foundations and family offices as well as charitable structures. These competencies reflect the expertise of practice head Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck, who is supported by Thomas Kantenwein (specialising in advising foundations and non-profit organisations) and Stefan Hackel (inheritance and tax law as well as commercial and corporate law).


Its multidisciplinary set-up enables Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner to provide companies and individuals with wide-ranging advice on international tax and on matters at the interface of corporate law. The practice is also experienced in inheritance tax law and known for its capabilities handling criminal tax law work. Tax advisor Gerhard Widmayer heads the practice.

Testimonials: „Tax expertise that encompasses not only academic penetration but also practical implementation / enforcement“.

Dispute Resolution

Arbitration (including international arbitration)

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner is particularly visible in arbitration with regard to energy as well as post-M&A disputes, where the team acts as both arbitrator and party representative. Annett Kuhli, who is well known in the market, frequently represents companies from the automotive and communications sector. The practice is headed by Alexander Kröck; Nico Köppel was promoted to partner at the beginning of 2020.

Financial services: litigation

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner handles a multitude of contentious matters for national and international credit institutes, capital management companies and investors. The firm particularly stands out due to its niche expertise in disputes pertaining to loss participations, as well as cum-ex-related matters. Practice head Marcus van Bevern is also a banker and combines his litigation expertise with transactional and financing know-how. Stefan Hackel was promoted to equity partner in January 2020 and Carolin Sabel, who made salary partner at the same time, has experience in civil law proceedings.

Commercial litigation

The team at Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner advises on a wide range of contentious matters, but is particularly experienced in disputes regarding the financial and energy sector. The recently extended group is headed by Alexander Kröck, who is frequently active in issues pertaining to D&O and advisor liability. Stefan Hackel and Nico Köppel were promoted to equity and salary partner respectively in January 2020 and Marcus van Bevern is also a key figure.

Private Clients and Non-profits

Led by Annett Kuhli, Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner deals with the civil and tax law aspects of succession planning, including the establishment of foundations. Instructions in this space are typically from entrepreneurs, private clients and associations. Of counsel Thomas Kantenwein is a key contact for generational transfers of businesses, shareholdings and contentious matters.


Arbitration (including international arbitration)

The lawyers of Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner's team have remarkable experience both as party representatives as well as arbitrators. Most recently, the group acted for several international energy companies, an area of particular industry expertise. Practice head Alexander Kröck and the 'very committed' Annett Kuhli are also experts in post-M&A arbitration. In addition to her advice to clients, Kuhli is also a board member of the DIS. Associate Nico Köppel is noted for his energy law knowledge.


Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner is frequently instructed by foundations, corporations, private clients and associations. The team is experienced in advising on all aspects of foundation law, especially on matters pertaining to the establishment of foundations and day-to-day operations. Annett Kuhli is well versed in non-profit and tax matters and of counsel Thomas Kantenwein also acts as tax advisor and auditor.

Financial services: litigation

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner impresses with the deep practical experience of its team, which is comprised of lawyers with additional tax advisory and auditing qualifications as well as in-house experience, and can therefore offer well-founded assistance. The client base includes national and international financial institutions, capital management companies and investors, which the team represents in liability suits as well as in defence against and enforcement of claims. Practice head Marcus van Bevern is a knowledgeable litigator and arbitrator and is supported by Stefan Hackel, who has expertise in accounting and tax law aspects. Associate Carolin Sabel is another central key contact of the team.

Commercial litigation

Munich-based firm Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner has particular experience in settling disputes in the energy and banking sectors. Recently, the team has mainly acted in shareholder disputes, but generally covers a broad array of trade-related disputes. Practice head Alexander Kröck additionally focuses on the automotive and insurance industries. Annett Kuhli is another experienced contact and Marcus van Bevern specialises in disputes in the financial services sector.


With criminal tax lawyer Rainer Spatschek, Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner has solid expertise in criminal tax law, which comes to show when representing clients in judicial and extrajudicial disputes with tax authorities, and when implementing compliance measures. Led by Gerhard Widmayer, the team also deals with the tax aspects of group division restructurings alongside real estate and M&A transactions, including the establishment and dissolution of joint ventures. Individuals and family offices also instruct the team with inheritance tax succession planning matters.



Arbitration (including international arbitration)

The law firm Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner, 'absolutely recommended' by its clients, has a well-positioned arbitration team which is especially experienced in the fields of energy, banking and finance. For example, Alexander Kröck and 'dedicated' partner Annett Kuhli have represented an international energy company in DIS arbitration proceedings against a suit for the modification of the long-term fee for a gas storage contract; both lawyers are regularly also appointed as arbitrators. In addition, on the banking and capital markets side, the team benefits from Marcus van Bevern's previous in-house experience at a German bank; clients appreciate 'his expertise.' Most recently, he acted as a party-appointed arbitrator in DIS proceedings between parties from the financial sector.

Commercial litigation

Kantenwein • Zimmermann • Spatscheck & Partners dispute resolution team is well-positioned when it comes to conflicts in the energy and banking sectors. The most recent highlights include representing a company founder from the telecommunications sector in a shareholder' dispute with an amount in dispute of €500 million. Furthermore, the team undertook the defence of an international group in asserting liability for inaccurate tax counselling. Accomplished partner Alexander Kröck also works in areas interfacing with cartel law. Annett Kuhli and Marcus van Bevern are likewise to be mentioned; clients also benefit from several lawyers in the firm who are also qualified tax consultants and auditors.

Disputes in the financial services sector

Apart from the law firm's proven sector expertise in the financial services sector, clients of Kantenwein • Zimmermann • Spatscheck & Partner also benefit from the additional qualification of several team members as auditors and tax consultants. The entire spectrum of litigation is covered, from representing banks, initiators and prospectus editors in liability questions to enforcing and defending against claims. Marcus van Bevern plays the central role here: apart from his knowledge of litigation, he also has in-house experience at two German banks. Most recently, he acted for an investor, involving consultations and the restructuring of several special purpose vehicles. In addition, he represented a bank in suits against various insurance companies. Stefan Hackel's role should also be highlighted.

Non-profit sector

Kantenwein • Zimmermann • Spatscheck & Partner have been advising foundations and charitable associations on the establishment of foundations and on their daily operations for over 25 years. The client base includes local Munich foundations as well as major foundations in all kinds of areas. Above all, the team has tax expertise with several lawyers who have additional qualifications as tax consultants or auditors. The most recent highlights include establishing a foundation for a hidden champion, establishing the literary foundation of a renowned author and a football fan support club as well as the provision of tax advice to an artistic foundation. The work of Thomas Kantenwein is also worthy of mention on the board of directors for the foundation for threatened animals and the Eleonore Beck Foundation, which receives comprehensive advice, above all on asset restructuring and fund-raising contracts. Annett Kuhli is very active, too.

Tax law

Kantenwein • Zimmermann • Spatscheck & Partner was renamed in April 2018 when the renowned tax criminal law specialist Rainer Spatscheck joined the firm from Streck Mack Schwedhelm. In addition to the expanded expertise in criminal law, the seven-strong partnership headed by Gerhard Widmayer carries out tax driven restructurings of company groups in coordination with the domestic tax authorities and provides advice in relation to transactions and the tax-optimised foundation and dissolution of joint ventures. The portfolio also includes retainers involving real estate tax. The client base ranges from private individuals, commercial companies, industrial groups and real estate players to airports. Among other things, the firm's criminal law mandates involve the subjects of cum-ex and cum-cum transactions, tax evasion and illegal exports.

Munich metropolitan region

Kantenwein • Zimmermann • Spatscheck & Partner is characterised by an approach balanced between the provision of advice and legal representation in courts, which was intensified by the addition in April 2018 of the tax- and commercial criminal law defence counsel Rainer Spatscheck, along with his team of six lawyers from Streck Mack Schwedhelm. Priority sectors that deserve mention are energy and finance, where instructions were recently obtained in the form of price adjustment procedures and liability and contract law disputes; Alexander Kröck, Annett Kuhli and banking and capital market expert Marcus van Bevern played central roles here. One highlight in 2017 was representing an international energy company in DIS arbitration proceedings against a suit to modify the fee for a long-term gas storage contract. At the advisory level, Thomas Kantenwein handles company and real estate law matters while Gerhard Widmayer is known for his tax expertise.


Arbitration (including international arbitration)

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner's expertise in company and tax law come particularly into play in arbitration, for instance for post-M&A and joint venture disputes. Clients also value the team's 'outstanding commitment' and 'trustworthy and personal' approach, which 'holds a strong position, especially in the national arbitration market'. Alexander Kröck does 'impressive work' and is 'one of the few arbitrators to deal with complex technical issues'; 'He acts prudently and seeks pragmatic and sensible solutions' and has particular expertise in company and contractual law mandates. Annett Kuhli, who has been appointed a member of the board of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS), is 'very committed, communicative and always well prepared'. Thomas Kantenwein is also recommended.

Commercial Disputes

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner 'works diligently, demonstrating a high level of commitment'. The 'tactically savvy and assertive' team' is 'a real alternative to big law firms' and, thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, is particularly well positioned to take care of financial, accounting and tax disputes. The 'objective and legally highly competent' Alexander Kröck is 'a recognised figure and a first-class lawyer with outstanding economic expertise'. Clients also value his 'analytical approach and his confident negotiating skills'. The 'very well-balanced and results-oriented' Marcus van Bevern is 'particularly good at financial and banking disputes', while the 'extremely friendly, charismatic and dedicated' Annett Kuhli 'always achieves sound results' and is recognised for her 'broad' tax expertise.

Disputes in the Financial Services Sector

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner represents shareholders, funds, and national and international banks in, among other things, the enforcement of claims and damage claims in connection with breaches of contract. Marcus van Bevern, Annett Kuhli and Alexander Kröck are the central figures.

Securities and Funds Litigation

The team represented numerous financial institutions and fund companies in nation-wide claims for reimbursement and damages. Highly recommended are Annett Kuhli, Marcus van Bevern and Alexander Kröck.


At Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner 'the entire package is perfect'. The 'pleasant and competent' tax law team pursues a multidisciplinary approach and is particularly active for high-end SMEs (Mittelstand) in southern Germany. Among other things, they advise on tax planning, whether in the context of restructuring, transactions or questions of international tax law, including due diligence. In addition, the succession consulting is a significant cornerstone of the practice: Here Thomas Kantenwein boasts 'considerable experience' and supports his clients 'with vision and assertiveness'. Annett Kuhli is characterised by 'a persistent, creative and smart advisory style' and also assists companies with voluntary declarations. Tax adviser Gerhard Widmayer is also recommended.

Non-Profit Sector Advice

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner's clients include foundations in particular, as well as private individuals and sponsoring associations. In addition to practice group leader Thomas Kantenwein, Annett Kuhli also supports the non-profit sector, with special expertise in charitable and tax law as well as real estate and finance law issues. The client base includes the permanent clients Eleonore Beck Foundation, the foundation for the endangered animal world, and the non-profit organisation culture4change-gGmbH.

At Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner 'the entire package is perfect'. The 'pleasant and competent' tax law team pursues a multidisciplinary approach and is particularly active for high-end SMEs (Mittelstand) in southern Germany. Among other things, they advise on tax planning, whether in the context of restructuring, transactions or questions of international tax law, including due diligence. In addition, the succession consulting is a significant cornerstone of the practice: Here Thomas Kantenwein boasts 'considerable experience' and supports his clients 'with vision and assertiveness'. Annett Kuhli is characterised by 'a persistent, creative and smart advisory style' and also assists companies with voluntary declarations. Tax adviser Gerhard Widmayer is also recommended.

Business law: Munich

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner is characterised by 'high accessibility, sound business acumen and profound legal expertise' and is valued above all for its expertise in dispute resolution and tax law. It represented a German energy company in a declaratory action in respect of two long-term electricity supply contracts against power plant customers and advised an insurance company in civil and tax conflicts in various jurisdictions and during restructuring. In addition, the law firm is regularly engaged in arbitration; the recommended Alexander Kröck and Annett Kuhli have on a number of occasions been appointed as arbitrators and party representatives in price adjustment proceedings in the natural gas storage market. It also performed on the tax due diligence for the acquisition of a multinational group of companies, as well as the tax optimisation of the structure of a trading company. It is also an experienced advisor for real estate issues; here, several investors were advised on financing issues.


Arbitration (including international arbitration)

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partners is a 'prominent and esteemed independent address' and a 'real alternative to major international law firms.' Among other things, the team acted as party representative in a large-volume price adjustment process in the natural gas storage market. Alexander Kröck is an 'astute lawyer who takes every facet into consideration'; Annett Kuhli offers the 'almost unique combination of arbitration and tax-law expertise'; Thomas Kantenwein combines 'very sharp analysis with great interpersonal skills and experience' and Marcus van Bevern is 'highly assertive.'

Commercial conflicts

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partners is a 'fixture in the marketplace' and has particular expertise in tax litigation issues, an area in which it has recently been mandated across multiple jurisdictions. It has also dealt with international disputes in the automotive and technology industries. Alexander Kröck and Marcus van Bevern are 'technically brilliant, with an eye for detail and grit.' Thomas Kantenwein and Annett Kuhli are likewise recommended.

Disputes in the financial services sector

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partners is characterized by 'fast reaction times' and 'very good litigation', with Marcus van Bevern being particularly distinguished in this area. He supervised several lawsuits involving amounts in dispute worth hundreds of millions.


The 'pragmatic, medium-sized' and multidisciplinary law firm Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partners offers 'reliable and expert' advice on corporate structuring and restructuring and business transactions, as well as inheritance tax issues and successor issues. Its range of services has been strengthened, particularly in tax transaction monitoring, with the 'expert on international tax law' Sven Ceranowski from Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP. Clients are large commercial and family-owned companies, investment companies, foreign investors and publishing groups. Practice group leader and tax consultant Gerhard Widmayer is 'highly structured and client-oriented.'


Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partners works 'very professionally' and at a 'highly specialised niveau' with 'the service level and the flexible consulting hours in particular earning the highest praise.' The team advises individuals on wealth succession and tax law, and boasts several well-known foundations among its clients, including the Endangered Animal World Foundation and the Eleonore Beck Foundation. Thomas Kantenwein is 'particularly worthy of mention' and clients appreciate Annett Kuhli’s 'expertise and communicative skills.'

Business law Munich

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partners is a renowned multi-disciplinary law firm known for its dispute resolution and tax law capabilities. The team led by Alexander Kröck, reinforced by the appointment of Stefan Hackel as salary partner, demonstrates considerable expertise in arbitration as well as in commercial and corporate law disputes. Annett Kuhli represents clients in warranty disputes, damages claims and price adjustment cases. Thomas Kantenwein is often mandated in post-M & A disputes. The tax law team has been further strengthened with Sven Ceranowski of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP. Clients include commercial and industrial companies, DAX corporations, investment companies, real estate funds, publishers and entrepreneurial families, which receive particular support in tax restructuring and transactions. Other advisory areas include the non-profit sector and banking and finance law. Marcus von Bevern is well-versed in financing advice for real estate banks.


Arbitration (including international arbitration)

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner has been busy with a number of proceedings relating to post-M&A, corporate and energy matters and its members increasingly acted as arbitrators, as well as representing clients in arbitration. Marcus van Bevern and Alexander Kröck ‘combine outstanding legal knowledge with fantastic tactical intuition’, while the ‘brilliant’ Annett Kuhli recently made partner. Marc Hildebrand joined O&R group and Sebastian Senn moved in-house.

Commercial Litigation

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner covers a wide range of matters, including D&O disputes and claims for damages proceedings, and has longstanding experience in the automotive and biotechnology sectors. The firm lost Marc Hildebrand to O&R group and Sebastian Senn joined Munich’s municipal utilities company, but the practice fields the ‘determined’ Marcus van Bevern, the ‘brilliant and tough’ Annett Kuhli and ‘doyen’ Alexander Kröck.

Securities and Funds Litigation

The team represented numerous financial institutions and fund companies in nation-wide claims for reimbursement and damages. Highly recommended are Annett Kuhli, Marcus van Bevern and Alexander Kröck.


The ‘experienced tax lawyers’ of Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner know how to impress as ‘excellent negotiators’ and are ‘very goal-oriented’. The team is particularly specialized in corporate tax law for medium-sized companies and larger corporate groups. The audit of a group of companies with a taxable turnover of EUR 1.0 billion was one of the recent highlights. The practice head Thomas Kantenwein is rated as ‘pragmatic’ and is highly appreciated for his ‘vast experience’ and his ‘sound judgment’. Annett Kuhli is ‚reputable and competent‘, whereas Gerhard Widmayer is attributed with ‚technical brilliance‘.

Non-Profit Sector Advice

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner has a long track record of advising foundations, with noteworthy recent work including the restructuring of a €30m foundation. The team represents Eleonore-Beck-Stiftung on an ongoing basis and also assists wealthy individuals with tax and succession matters. Recently promoted partner Annett Kuhli is recommended along with the expert Thomas Kantenwein.


Arbitration (including international arbitration)

Dispute resolution is a traditional focus of Munich firm Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner, which has substantial industry experience in the energy sector, such as recently handling a post-M&A dispute regarding the purchase of a wind farm. Alexander Kröck is recommended. Gottfried Hammer joined the Federal Court of Justice.

Commercial Litigation

Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner fields a partner-heavy dispute resolution team focusing on employment, inheritance, energy and real estate litigation, including tort law. Marc Hildebrand and Alexander Kröck are recommended. Gottfried Hammer joined the Federal Supreme Court.

Securities and Funds Litigation

Dispute resolution is one of the cornerstones of the Munich-based law firm Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner. The main focus in this area is the assistance in banking and financial disputes. With the departure of Gottfried Hammer, who became a Federal Court of Justice counsel (Bundesgerichtshof), the highly partner-oriented practice group had to face a loss on partner level. However, with a total of six partners, the practice group is still well-positioned. The client portfolio of the team compromises of inter alia foreign banks, German financial institutions as well as fund companies and prospectus publishers. For these clients, the firm litigates liability claims, security loan claims, as well as numerous claims against investors for alleged inaccurate advice. Additionally, the firm supports its clients in cases regarding the reimbursement and recovery of profit participation certificates (Genussscheine). Alexander Kröck and Marcus van Bevern are particularly well regarded.


Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner mainly advises medium-sized companies in all areas of corporate tax law, yet also, large corporations on real estate transfer tax. The firm accompanied the complex reorganisation of a listed media enterprise and audited the corporate structure of a major trading company. The advisors have a special expertise in the real estate sector. Martin Raßhofer was promoted to salary partner; renowned Thomas Kantenwein is highly recommended.


Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner's compact team has again been remarkably visible, representing a major US bank in arbitration and acting for a group of companies in high-value disputes relating to delivery contracts. Annett Kuhli is 'straightforward' and 'presents clearly; and Alexander Kröck is also recommended.


Kantenwein Zimmermann Fox Kröck & Partner is still much in demand for consultations of sophisticated medium-sized companies. The highlights were the consultation of two DAX-listed companies in regard to questions concerning the real estate transfer tax as well as the consultation of a German-Austrian business family in regard to a corporate reorganization. Thomas Kantenwein is highly recommended.

Chambers and Partners

Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators – Germany – Band 2 und 3:

Munich-based Alexander Kroeck of Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner is a sought-after arbitrator with a particular focus on cum-ex and other tax-related issues. Market observers describe him as "an excellent arbitrator." A client describes him as "quick and reliable, with expert industry knowledge."

Annett Kuhli of Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner is appreciated by clients and other interviewees alike, with one client describing her as "a very sympathetic lawyer who really is tough in the matters but also hits the right tone and as such can build bridges." Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck regularly presides over ICC and DIS arbitrations, particularly dealing with contractual, shareholder and post-M&A disputes.

Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators – Germany – Band 3:

Alexander Kroeck is commended by sources as "very experienced and reliable, with an efficient and co-operative approach." He offers experience in contractual disputes, cum/ex matters and damages claims.

Annett Kuhli enters the rankings following excellent feedback, with sources describing her as a "very impressive up-and-coming arbitrator," and "highly respected for her expertise in the area of arbitration." She has special expertise in tax as well as contractual disputes.

Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators – Germany – Band 2:

Alexander Kroeck of Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner is at his most visible as an arbitrator in joint venture and post-M&A disputes. He also handles disputes relating to price adjustments and contracts. Sources describe him as a "superb lawyer who is knowledgeable in the field and has a good sense for sound strategies."


Alexander Kroeck of Kantenwein Zimmerman Fox Kroeck & Partner has a solid reputation for his capabilities as an arbitrator. He often handles disputes arising from energy supply and storage contracts, including price adjustment cases, and is also present in the financial services and automotive sectors. Clients note that he “has a very convincing personality and always talks about the substance of the argument.” Kroeck also acts as counsel for various clients in arbitration and litigation proceedings.


Alexander Kroeck heads the dispute resolution practice of Kantenwein Zimmerman Fox Kroeck & Partner and is well respected by sources. He is acknowledged for his representation of clients from the energy, automotive and finance sectors in litigation.


Alexander Kroeck of Kantenwein Zimmerman Fox Kroeck & Partner acts as arbitrator on both domestic and international arbitration proceedings. Clients praise his network and high level of service.


Alexander Kroeck of Kantenwein Zimmerman Fox Kroeck & Partner enters the rankings on the strength of excellent feedback for his arbitration practice. A well-known figure in the Munich arbitration community, he is frequently seen sitting in domestic and international arbitration proceedings.


In the 16th edition of the ranking "Germany's Best Lawyers" by Handelsblatt and the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers, Kantenwein was again named several times.

Prof. Dr. Bettina Spilker was also named “Ones to Watch” as “Best Lawyers” in the legal field of “Tax Law”.


In the 15th edition of the ranking "Germany's Best Lawyers" by Handelsblatt and the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers, Kantenwein was again named several times.

In the 14th edition of “Germany’s Best Lawyers”, Kantenwein has again been distinguished. The highly regarded US publisher Best Lawyers identified the best lawyers in the industry for Handelsblatt using an extensive peer-to-peer evaluation process.

Many of our lawyers received the prestigious “Best Lawyers” award:

Dr Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck was also honoured in the category “Lawyer of the Year 2022” in the “International Arbitration” field. Lisa Maria Oettig can delight in the award “Lawyer of the Future 2022” in the “Conflict Resolution” category.

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner was once again named several times in the ranking of „Germany's Best Lawyers“ by Handelsblatt and the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers:

In addition, Dr Rainer Spatscheck received the award "Lawyer of the Year 2021" in the legal field "Criminal Tax Law", and Tina Stiehler became "Lawyer of the Future" in the legal field "Tax Law".

In the 12th edition of the major Handelsblatt ranking of Germany's best lawyers and law firms, Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner was named „Law Firm of the Year 2020“ in the area of tax law.

This year, we were also recognised several times as “Germany's Best Lawyers“:

In addition, Dr Alexander Kröck received the award „Lawyer of the Year 2020“ in the legal field „International Arbitration“, and Marcus van Bevern became „Lawyer of the Year 2020“ in the legal field „Conflict Resolution“.

In 2019, a number of lawyers from our firm were again named "Germany's Best Lawyers" in the annual survey conducted by Handelsblatt and the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers:

In 2018, we received several awards as "Germany's Best Lawyers" from Handelsblatt and the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers:

In addition, Dr Annett Kuhli received the award "Lawyer of the Year 2018" in the legal field "International Arbitration", and Dr Thomas Kantenwein was named "Lawyer of the Year 2018" in the legal field "Arbitration/Dispute Resolution/Mediation".

We are very pleased to receive the "Germany's Best Lawyers" awards from Handelsblatt and the US publisher Best Lawyers:

Kantenwein was named several times in the ranking of "Germany's Best Lawyers" by Handelsblatt and the renowned US publisher Best Lawyers:

Best Lawyers

Dr. Rainer Spatscheck was named the Best Lawyers® 2022 Criminal Tax Practice "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Kantenwein Zimmermann Spatscheck & Partner is Germany's 2021 "Law Firm of the Year" in Tax Law.

Marcus van Bevern was named the Best Lawyers® 2021 Litigation "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Dr. Alexander Kröck was named the Best Lawyers® 2021 International Arbitration "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Dr. Thomas Kantenwein was named the Best Lawyers® 2019 Arbitration and Mediation, Bayern (2019) "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Dr. Annett Kuhli was named the Best Lawyers® 2019 International Arbitration "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Dr. Alexander Kröck was named the Best Lawyers® 2017 Litigation "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Dr. Annett Kuhli was named the Best Lawyers® 2017 Arbitration and Mediation "Lawyer of the Year" in Bayern, Germany.

Who's Who Legal

Rainer Spatscheck receives extensive endorsements from market respondents for his „top defence counsel“ and his expertise in tax law.

Dr. Gerhard Widmayer was selected as „National Leader“ in the field Corporate Tax in the 2023 edition of Who'sWhoLegal.

Arbitration Future Leaders – Partners 2023: Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck is highly regarded by peers who describe her as „potentially the best arbitrator for tax-related disputes“, stating that „she stands out as a highly intelligent arbitration lawyer and a true strategic thinker“.

Arbitration Future Leaders – Partners 2023; peers and clients say: „Nico Köppel is a highly recommended practitioner“; „If there is any young German arbitration practitioner more dedicated than Nico Köppel, I have yet to meet them“; „He provides exceptionally thorough and practice-oriented advice“.

Arbitration Future Leaders – Partners 2022: „Annett Kuhli-Spatscheck stands out as a top-notch practitioner” who „perfectly handles complex commercial disputes as counsel and as arbitrator“.

Rainer Spatscheck is a „highly regarded and extremely experienced” tax law specialist who excels in white-collar crime and compliance matters.

Gerhard Widmayer draws accolades for his excellent corporate tax practice, which focuses on M&A, real estate and international tax law.

WWL says: Annett Kuhli is an “outstanding” lawyer who is hailed “the best arbitrator for tax-related disputes”.

Rainer Spatscheck is commended by peers as a “specialist in tax crime” where he holds an excellent track record representing clients in tax litigation cases.

WWL says: Alexander Kröck is "very well respected throughout the German arbitration market". One source adds: "I´ve seen extremely good work from him; he´s always very well prepared and his summaries are to the point."

The "extremely talented" Annett Kuhli is described as "a very diligent and hardworking arbitrator" by peers who identify her as "one of the rising stars as both arbitrator and counsel".

WWL says: Annett Kuhli scored highly in our research for her ability to "combine legal and tax expertise". She has "interesting ideas and knows how to put her case".