July 2020
Handelsblatt picks Kantenwein as 2020 law firm of the year for tax law

One of the highlights in law firm rankings is the annual survey conducted by the business journal Handelsblatt in cooperation with the well-known US publisher Best Lawyers. Even though we have collected awards in various practice areas in recent years, this year’s rankings give us particular cause for satisfaction.
For the first time Kantenwein received the much sought-after award as “Law Firm of the Year” in the field of tax law. We are very proud of that.
We are also proud to have two lawyers in our ranks, Dr. Alexander Kröck and Marcus van Bevern, who were both recipients of the “2021 Lawyer of the Year” award. Dr. Alexander Kröck received the award for “International Arbitration”; Marcus van Bevern for “Litgation”.
In addition to these two, a whole range of other colleagues were awarded the title of “Best Lawyers”. In addition to Dr. Thomas Kantenwein, Dr. Rainer Spatscheck, Dr. Alexander Kröck, Dr. Annett Kuhli, Marcus van Bevern, Sven Ceranowski, Dr. Stefan Hackel and Dr. Gerhard Widmayer, the colleagues listed in previous years, Dr. Carolin Sabel, Nico Köppel and Franz Zimmermann are now also highly recommended.
The Handelsblatt publishes annual rankings of the best law firms and the most recommended lawyers in Germany. The US publisher Best Lawyers conducts a comprehensive market survey for that purpose every year.
Click here to find out more about our awards.